Catherine's Palace - History, Treasures, Appearance
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Birth of The Palace

Catherine's Palace, in Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo), ranks as one of the masterpieces of the world architecture and art. First build by Braunstein, it has been given in 1710 by Peter the Great to his wife Catherine.

Bartolomeo Rastrelli's Baroque

Later on, it has been enlarged and modified following the exquisite baroque style of the famous Italian designer Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

Imperial Residence

Until the Revolution, Catherine's Palace was used as the summer residence of the Imperial family. Its grandiose lurquoise, while and gold facade stretches 978 feet. And its most spacious room, the Great Hall, covers 860 square meters. The park enhances the splendour of the Palace with its charming pavilious such as the Grollo pavilion, the Hermitage and the Chinese Pagoda.

This New Year’s it’s the TSAR’S BALL amid the splendor of Empress Catherine’s IMPERIAL PALACE
Don’t miss this extraordinary once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Book tickets in advance. For more information, please write to Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript or visit our website

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